Registrations & Transfers
Parents of new students registering to attend school in Kinnelon can register online through:
After online registration is complete, a parent must physically bring into school the following documentation:
1. New Enrollment Affadavit - must also provide proof of residency as follows:
- Title/Deed OR
- Tax Bill, OR
- Lease Agreement
*If you are not a current resident of Kinnelon at the time of registration, you will be asked to provide one of the following:
- Fully executed real estate contract showing a tentative closing date OR
- Fully executed lease agreement, OR
- Building permit with a copy of contract for construction showing projected date of occupancy
2. Child's birth certificate
3. Health History Questionnaire - must also provide a current list of immunizations
4. Pre Participation Physical Evaluation - if the student is an athlete and intending on playing school sports, these forms must be completed. *Student-Athlete Residency Affidavit MUST be notarized.
5. Authorization for Request of Records - this form allows us to request student's complete school records, standardized test scores, health records, transcript and IEP (if applicable).