Academic Clubs
- Academic Decathlon
- Colt Chronicle
- Colts Vest (KHS’s Investment Club)
- Distributive Education Club of America (DECA)
- Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
- Mock Trial
- Science Research/Barcode of Life
- Technology Student Association (TSA)
Academic Decathlon
Academic Decathlon is an academic competition encompassing ten topics: Art, Economics, Language and Literature, Mathematics, Music, Science, Social Science, Essay, Interview, and Speech. The theme this year is Water. The team is primarily composed of juniors and seniors. The team is divided into three levels determined by the past performances in academic subjects. Three members at each level compete for the team score.
From USAD: Our mission is to promote learning and academic excellence among students of varying achievement levels by developing and providing multidisciplinary academic competitions using Academic Decathlon curricula.
Our vision is to provide all students the opportunity to excel academically through team competition.
Our core values include:
• The academic growth of students
• Challenging multidisciplinary learning
• Teamwork as a means to achieve self-knowledge and life skills
• Providing equal opportunities for students of different achievement levels
• The importance of inclusivity and diversity to learning and the human experience
• High standards of honesty and integrity
• Transparency in our relations and interactions with all of our stakeholders
• Excellence in our programs, services and activities
• Respect for diverse points of view.
Colt Chronicle
Colts Vest (KHS’s Investment Club)
Distributive Education Club of America (DECA)
DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. DECA is a business club founded in 1946 with 163,000 members and 3,200 school chapters. KHS DECA is available for all students. Student members prepare to compete on regional, state and national level. DECA is a competitive club with more involvement required.
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
Future Business Leaders of America, FBLA, is the largest business Career and Technical Student Organization in the world. FBLA is a business club founded in 1940 with 163,000 members. KHS FBLA is available for all students. Student members participate in volunteer opportunities collaborating with the business club TREP$ at Pearl R. Miller Middle School. Student members give the students of the business club at Stonybrook a presentation about interviewing skills. The Stonybrook students enjoy the mock interviews given. Student members also collect donations and give to local charities. Different business guest speakers give presentations to the members. For a fee of $13 the students have the opportunity to belong to a prestigious business club.
Mock Trial
Mock Trial is a competition in which students simulate a real trial. The trial concerns an official case that remains the same through the entire academic year. The case alternates between a civil and a criminal case every year. The case is entirely fictional, taking place in the fictional state.Teams must prepare both sides of the case (prosecution/plaintiff and defense) for every competition. This means that any given person could have two roles: one for each side of the case. Trials take place in early- late February. (Interest in the law, enjoy debate, and/or like to act).
Science Research/Barcode of Life
The Science Research Club conducts DNA research in conjunction with Rutgers University's Waksman Student Scholars Program (WSSP). The WSSP research project focuses on the DNA sequence analysis of genes from the duckweed plant Landoltia punctata, and how these genes compare to those found in other species. Duckweed, a fresh-water aquatic plant, is of interest to the scientific community because of its use in bioremediation, and its potential use as a biofuel. Students learn college-level DNA processing techniques and, upon completion of the project, get their work published to the NCBI national database.
The Science Research Club is open to all students, and accepts new members every September. Members are required to attend meetings every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30 - 4:00PM. Email Mr. Manning ( for more information.
Technology Student Association (TSA)
The KHS TSA club competes in over 30 different events including CAD, structural design , problem solving, music production, CNC machining, prototyping flight endurance, robotics and many others. Club members work in groups to create solutions to design problems by creating models, documentation and presentations on their solutions. Members compete at a competition in March/April at TCNJ against other high school students. Additionally, TSA members involved in VEX robotics will attend several robotics competitions throughout the year. Everyone is welcome to join. Students choose their own topic and work on their project during lunch or after school, but those involved in robotics are also enrolled in the Engineering/Design classes.